Grand Marshal’s Ball

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A celebration of Irish music and dance in support of the St. Patrick’s Parade

Get ready for an unforgettable evening in support of the St. Patrick’s Parade. Everyone is welcome whether you were born in Ireland, have Irish ancestors or you’re just looking for a great time!

Don’t forget to add-in some green as you dress to impress at this semi-formal event. A limited number of tickets are available for $100 !

The Ball offers an opportunity to celebrate Jack Armstrong, this year’s Grand Marshal. The legendary sports broadcaster is the son of Irish immigrants and very proud of his heritage. Jack began his career as a broadcaster with the Toronto Raptors in the fall of 1998. Since then, his popularity has approached cult status as the sport’s popularity soared across the country.

Hugo Straney will be your host with the Graham Irish Dancers once again showcasing their amazing skills. Don’t forget to bring your own dancing shoes! The O’Deadlys will be playing all your favourite music along with some classic Celtic tunes.

There is no seated dinner. Food will be served on passed plates throughout the evening including vegetarian options. The raffle will give you a chance to win some great prizes including a pair of flights to Ireland courtesy of Aer Lingus.

Advance tickets SOLD OUT.

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